Dear Mrs.
Dear Mr.
On behalf of Prof. Peter Hellings, Prof. Dario Bertossi and Prof. Cameron McIntosh we are very pleased to send you the partnership prospectus for the "European Rhinoplasty Course" which will be organized in Brussels in the "The Hotel" on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May 2025. (www.europeanrhinoplastycourse.eu).
This course is held under the auspices of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) and the European Rhinologic Society (ERS), and brings together top surgeons from Europe and the United States with world fame in the field of rhinoplasty.
The program has been elaborated in such a way that participants will be up-dated on the latest techniques of rhinoplasty. The programme aims at being of huge interest to all surgeons dealing with patients seeking rhinoplasty: Plastic Surgeons, ENT Surgeons and Maxillo-Facial Surgeons.
Lectures in “The Hotel” : Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd of May 2025.
Cadavercourse on Friday 23rd of May.
We want to provide our exhibitors a true partnership opportunity, with maximum visibility and an innovative way of publicity.
Our strategy:
- By placing our partners in such a way that all participants need to pass by the exhibitors before entering or leaving the meeting room
- By placing the food court in the exhibitors room
- By playing a game where exhibitors will give the participants a "Task" to do. Prizes for the best participants will be given @ the end of the congress
- By arranging recorded sessions that we place on Youtube
We believe that all participants will be happy to see the newest developments in Rhinoplasty products.
We want to make the difference with our meeting, therefore all exhibitors can bring students for free.
We are always available for you, when you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Carine Decorte:
- Phone : +32 472 41 00 38
- WhatsApp : Click to Chat (mobile only)
- Mail :
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Partnership is proposed in 4 different modalities and includes the participation and catering for the number of persons attending your booth for the 3 days.
- small banner on website congress
- small banner in hand out
- 2 people on the booth
- 2 vouchers for the gala diner
- banner on website congress
- banner in hand out
- hand out a task played @ your booth for the game
- 5’ presentation on stage with use of screen
- 4 vouchers for gala diner diner
- banner on website congress
- banner of ½ page in hand out
- hand out a task played @ your booth for the game
5 minute demo of your product followed by a debate of the PRO/CONTRA arguments ( +2500 views online )
Please contact Mrs. Carine Decorte:
+32 472 41 00 38
Click to Chat (mobile only)
Recorded interviews of KOLs on novel products/instruments, with a professional audio-visual company. We place the interviews on the course website and distribute via social media, with major exposure of the partners who provided an educational grant.
These videos can be used for own purposes.
We kindly invite you to have a look at the non-industry-related videos distributed through the website: https://www.europeanrhinoplastycourse.eu .
Faculty dinner with an invitation to participate for 2 persons.
Aperotime at the congress dinner with participation and possibility to place visibility.
Booking forms should be returned to
Exhibition space will not be confirmed until full payment is received.
Cancellation policy
If an exhibition space has to be cancelled, the following condition will apply: less than 2 months prior to the conference: a cancellation fee of 100% of the exhibition fee will be payable.
Exhibition space
Places are allocated strictly on a first come first served basis.
The exhibition space has been carefully planned to allow the maximum number of companies to exhibit. It is imperative therefore that your stand does not exceed the size allocated to you. If your company arrives at the meeting with a larger stand, you will be asked to dismantle any part of the stand, which encroaches to the detriment of a neighbouring site. No electrical extension leads are available at the venue and all companies must provide their own.
Spaces between the exhibition stands must be kept free. No fittings, fixtures or signs of any nature are to be attached to the walls or fabric of the building and all stands must be free standing. Firms displaying heavy pieces of equipment must take adequate measures to protect floors from damage.
Set up
Information on set up and breakdown will be supplied 2 months before the conference. Exhibitors must be set up by the start of the meeting. Access for setup after this time is solely at the discretion of the organizers.
Loss or damage
Neither the venue, nor the organisation of the congress can be held responsible for loss or damage to the exhibitors’ stands or property. Obtaining the relevant insurance is the sole responsibility of each exhibitor. The organizers reserve the right to alter the exhibition layout without prior notice. Applications received for space, and then confirmed, imply complete acceptance of the above conditions. If any matters or disputes arise, the decision of the meeting Secretary is final.